Twilight eclipse full movie genvideos
Twilight eclipse full movie genvideos

twilight eclipse full movie genvideos

(To Charlie) " You and Billy gossip like old women.".(To Charlie) "It worked - your cooking skills have me soft as a marshmallow.".(About the Seattle newborn army) Black eyes, wild with their fierce craving for my death, watched for the moment when my protector's attention would be diverted.(To Edward) " I want to be a monster, too.".well, not exactly the love of my life, because i expect to love you for much longer than that. (To Edward and Jacob) " Stop! I'm tired of this! From now on I'm Switzerland, OK?".(To Jacob after he says he'll always be waiting for her) " Till my heart stops beating.".(To Edward) " It's a good thing you're bulletproof.(To Edward, after he asked her to marry him) " Yes.".until graduation to see him and then I'll be one of you, and he'll hate me forever." It was between who I should be and who I am." (To Edward) " This wasn't a choice between you and Jacob.

twilight eclipse full movie genvideos

(To Edward) " You knew he was listening?!".It's not perfect, but nobody's life is perfect." (To Rosalie) " My life is not miserable.(To Rosalie) " I understand that that's what you want.(To Edward) " Edward, you have to trust me!".(To Edward) " Well, I'm not gonna let you starve.(To Edward) " I know, I smell like a dog! Sorry.".(To Jacob on Sam) "So, Sam dumped Leah for Emily?!".(To Jacob) " C'mon, don't be such a guy!".(To Jacob) " I am the vampire girl, remember?".(To Jacob) " Lose the grin Jacob, I'm just going for the ride.".(To Jacob during the graduation party) " Was my right hook too subtle for you? That was me uninviting you.".(To Emmett) " I punched a werewolf in the face.".(To Edward ) " From where I come from, at my age, it is the way one says 'I just got knocked up'.".(To Rosalie) " Rosalie, I don't understand what I did to make you hate me so much.".(To Jacob) " Jacob, what are you doing?".(To Edward after he has asked her to marry him) " I can't, I have to be back at 4.".(To Jacob ) " You don't know what you're getting yourself into.".(To Edward) " Why are you so against me becoming like you?".(To Edward) " I have to figure out what to tell people.

twilight eclipse full movie genvideos

(Edward kisses her, therefore distracting her). But if I had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate to say that for destruction ice is also great. From what I've tasted of desire, I hold with those who favor fire.

  • "Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice.
  • 6.21 Sex talk between Bella and Charlie.
  • 6.19 After Alice had a vision at the graduation party.
  • 6.18 Edward and Bella in the meadow (last scene).
  • 6.14 Emmett and Bella after Jacob kissed her.
  • 6.5 Jacob taking Bella back to Charlie after she broke her hand.
  • 6.3 Edward and Bella discuss life as a vampire.
  • 6.2 On Wolf-Vampire compromising and Bella being Switzerland.
  • I will be going back again to watch in in theater and buying the DVD. Really?!?!) Otherwise I think it tied in twilight's original feel and look, which made it best movie since twilight. (Hence a prior review comparing it to X-men. If you haven't seen the prior movies, or read the books, then I'd skip the movie as it won't make much sense. For me, bringing the books to life was very fun and being an old person, a nice diversion. The books deserved better, because the movies focused more on character relationships and less on an important theme from the books which was you can choose to be a predator, or not and the results of those choices. It is obvious that Lionsgate's influence on this movie had a positive result and I wish that influence extended to the others, because of Summit's former 'make it cheap' attitude.


    Clearly people who have not read the books are at somewhat of a disadvantage, but if you watched the series from beginning to Breaking Dawn Part I, then I would definitely not miss this one. This was the best movie of the series since twilight itself.

    Twilight eclipse full movie genvideos